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The digitization of services is now commonplace in the EHS market. EHS service providers are utilizing technology to provide faster, more efficient, and better-quality deliverables to their customers. Traditionally, ergonomics assessments had to be completed in person and by an expert in order to provide high-quality, thorough results. However, with mobile technology literally in everyone’s pocket, completing an ergonomics assessment remotely is becoming the cost-effective method of accomplishing this once expert-based task.

Business cases can easily be made to complete your ergonomics assessments in both industrial and office environments. And now with the COVID-19 crisis threatening to drive the world into recession and forcing people to work remotely, using whatever technology is available to achieve your business goals is at the forefront. With cloud-based ergonomics software, these goals are easier to achieve.

Remote Industrial Ergonomics Assessments

With the development of sensorless, motion-capture technology, assessments can now be conducted from a mobile phone.


  • Fast: Conducting an assessment can be as quick as taking a video of the job. Artificial intelligence bears the brunt of the workload in terms of gathering posture, frequency, and duration data.
  • Accurate: Whether you’re new to assessing workplace risk or a 25-year veteran certified professional ergonomist, accuracy is dependent on the quality of the video.
  • Cost-effective: If you’re geographically far away from a job, anyone with a cell phone can record a video of it for you, saving travel costs. With the reduced amount of time it takes to gather data, you can assess more jobs in a day, saving time.

Remote Office Ergonomics Assessments

Online office ergonomics solutions act as a triage system that empowers your employees to educate themselves and coaches them through making minor adjustments to their own workstations. Remote phone consultations can then be available to handle the most difficult or delicate cases, while also assisting with the fine details like equipment selection.


  • Comprehensive: Online solutions enable entire companies to complete their self-assessments, while in-person assessments can only assist a fraction of your work population.
  • Time-savings: Remote consultations are scheduled efficiently online at your convenience, eliminating travel time between assessments.
  • Proactive approach: Online solutions enable access for all employees before problems start, rather than a reactive approach, which provides assessments by request (after it’s too late).

Arguments can be made that conducting ergonomics assessments remotely eliminates that in-person touch. However, with more and more people working remotely, the in-person assessment isn’t always feasible or even appropriate in some cases. People are now accustomed to communicating through various devices, and ever-improving technology brings us closer together.

With the latest advancements in technology, remote ergonomics assessments are now a reality. Your initiatives no longer have to be delayed due to travel restrictions or rely on experts being available in person.