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It’s been a year with most of the world working from home. Have you set up a comfortable place to focus, or are you still operating from whichever space in your home is quietest?

How are you feeling physically after working from home for a year?

Working in strange places and awkward positions for long periods of time does more than just create kinks in your back, it can result in a full-blown musculoskeletal disorder (MSD). MSDs are painful disorders of the muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, joints, cartilage, or spinal discs, and they progress over time.

It’s important to know how to prevent the risks that lead to musculoskeletal disorders now to save yourself from future injury.

That’s where our Work-from-Home Toolbox comes in.

We’ve got you covered. The VelocityEHS Work-from-Home Toolbox has been updated to showcase all the content we’ve created to help you work from home in the healthiest way. This toolbox is filled with resources and tips from our certified professional ergonomists.

  • Complete our free home office ergonomics assessment to find what needs changing in your workspace to increase your comfort level and reduce your risk of MSDs.
  • View webinars on home workstation setups and the large-scale, long-term impacts of working from home.
  • Download info sheets that break down the elements that matter most for your work-from-home space.
  • Read blog posts for ergonomists’ advice on improving your workspace and well-being.
  • Watch our “Bottom Line” video series to see the impacts of working from home on employers, managers and employees.

Whether you’ll never return to a traditional office setting or will be away for just a while longer, we’ll help you make sure you’re doing home office ergonomics right.