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Worried about chemical exposures, whether for your employees or your customers? Download the new infographic, “How 24-Hour Chemical Emergency Response Services Help Users Throughout the Supply Chain,” to learn how ERS from VelocityEHS can bring you peace of mind and help you meet your regulatory requirements, no matter where you are in the chemical supply chain. Download the infographic now.

Chemicals seem to be everywhere, but the same isn’t always true when it comes to information about chemical hazards. Luckily, Emergency Response Services (ERS) from VelocityEHS can help ensure fast access to accurate hazard information throughout the chemical supply chain, helping to keep you, your transporters and your downstream users safe. This new infographic shows you the benefits of ERS at a glance.

Looking for more information about how 24-hour chemical Emergency Response Services (ERS) can help you? Check out our on-demand webinar:

“Frontline Stories”: True Stories About the Ways Emergency Response Services Help Users Throughout the Chemical Supply Chain

You’ll hear from three of our call center representatives about the issues reported from customer calls, and how we were able to help. And, if you like that, you’ll enjoy our ongoing blog series “ERS Frontline Stories,” which explores the patterns in calls that representatives at our Emergency Response Communication Call Center receive about chemical exposures at different times of the year. Read our first installment here, then head over to our second installment—and keep your eyes peeled for new installments soon!

As always, we look forward to talking more with you about how we can help keep your workers, customers and communities safe. Feel free to contact us anytime to request a quote and learn more.