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We recently published a case study sharing the story of how Parker’s Kent Campus, successfully reduced its recordable incidents by implementing an ergonomics program. The Parker corporation has a continuous improvement focus on safety, which includes an ergonomics program, in addition to other safety initiatives. Since its fiscal year (July 1–June 30) 2019, Parker has reduced its recordable incident rate by 45%, where the Kent campus helped to contribute to this success.

Shasta, Safety Manager at Parker’s Kent campus, led an initiative to reduce the total recordable incident rate by incorporating Parker’s ergonomics program with VelocityEHS Ergonomics. They formed teams involving safety personnel, engineers, and lean experts, while also engaging employees to understand job difficulties. Through data collection and collaboration, they identified improvement opportunities across the campus. By changing workplace conditions and educating employees through e-learning, they have reduced recordable incidents by 92% since 2019. Shasta credits their success to employee involvement, small changes, and taking the process one step at a time.

Read the full case study and discover how the Parker’s Kent campus went about making safety fun while improving employee engagement and proactively reducing workplace risks.