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SESHA 46th Annual Symposium

April 22-25, 2024 | Phoenix

Attend our session listed below, to learn from our industry leading safety expert, Kristi Hames.

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A How Management Systems and ISO Standards Accelerate ESG Maturity

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Date and Time: Wednesday, April 24 at 1:30 p.m.

Presenter: Kristi Hames, CIH, CSP, Senior Solutions Strategist, VelocityEHS

Description: The benefits and focus of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) often lies in operational excellence, return on investment (ROI), and brand equity. As impressive as these are, they can seem remote to the average EHS professional who is more likely interested in workplace health, safety, and regulatory compliance. If you’re wondering how to get your organization on the path toward ESG maturity, attend this session.

Management systems such as ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 have interconnected elements which provide a common framework for organizations to establish policies, objectives, and processes to achieve better environmental health, and safety outcomes. Some of the key elements include leadership and commitment, proper planning, identifying environmental impacts, assessing health and safety risks, determining legal and other requirements, training, communication, management of change, audits, and management review. When executed properly, these elements ensure organizations can reach EHS goals and objectives.

ESG is often thought of as standing apart from regulatory compliance but evolving ESG regulations such as US and EU greenhouse gas (GHG) disclosure requirements show that the boundaries are blurring. The good news is, while achieving ESG maturity depends upon getting EHS right, organizations that have established effective ESG management systems will more easily maintain compliance, even during times of rapid regulatory changes and achieve better environmental and health and safety outcomes. This presentation will explain why and how ESG maturity provides an opportunity to drive EHS programs forward and adopt ISO standards, so you can manage your EHS program based on best practices instead of being managed by your compliance calendar


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