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Safety Construction Hats

This is a conversation Facilities should be a part of!

What do Facilities Management/Maintenance personnel have in common with EHS personnel?

  • Facilities managers keep equipment and facilities healthy, and EHS personnel keep employees healthy and safe.
  • Facilities managers do a great deal of high-risk work with potential for injuries such as falls, strains, cuts, or “struck by” incidents, and should have easier ways to be involved in key safety management tasks.
  • Both EHS and facilities personnel have safety-related inspections and observations to record and follow-up actions to initiate and track.

Did you know your EHS colleagues are already talking to VelocityEHS about Safety software?

Discover how EHS and facilities management departments could each:

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Effortlessly enter records, share responsibility for key tasks, and notify stakeholders when action is needed—all in one platform.

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Leverage a unified system to complete tasks quickly and effectively, with streamlined visibility of data via reports and performance dashboards.

Take a moment to check out our Safety Solution info page and ask to join the next call with VelocityEHS!