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Environmental and Energy Leader’s Virtual Environmental Management Summit


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Environment and Energy Leader's 2022

Environmental and Energy Leader’s Environmental Management Summit brings together top commercial and industrial decision-makers to create a unique collaborative learning experience. The Summit provides tangible, innovative solutions to the environmental, sustainability, and ESG challenges that companies face today – and what they may expect tomorrow. Pragmatic and candid discussions coupled with engaging facilitation allow attendees to share current challenges and learn how industry leaders are addressing similar issues.

We’re presenting a session and will have a virtual booth with two members of our sales team, product videos, and various pieces of content available to download. Register for the virtual conference today!



Speaking Engagement


Thursday, October 20 at 10:10 AM Eastern Time

Title: “Environmental Solutions Session: Materiality : Why Your ESG Journey Should Start Here”

Speaker: David Staples, Senior Solutions Strategist – ESG, VelocityEHS

Description: If you’ve been following the growing dominance of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) as a management framework, you’ve probably heard references to the terms, materiality, double materiality, and materiality assessments. A simple way to think of materiality is as a relevancy filter for the issues that matter most to an organization, with double materiality going even deeper and looking at combined perspectives of impact materiality and financial materiality. So, then what is a materiality assessment and how does it relate to ESG? 

If your organization is ready to start taking ESG seriously, and you’re looking to build a robust and winning ESG program, then it’s time to learn more about materiality assessments. Join us for this 30-minute session to learn what they are, and why your organization can’t win ESG without them. 

During this session you will learn: 

  • what “Materiality” and “Double Materiality” are all about. 
  • common myths (and truths) about materiality. 
  • best practices for building a materiality assessment for your organization. 
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We can help you reach your full potential

Looking for an EHS & ESG solution that will make a difference in your organization? Contact us today and we’ll show you how our solutions can help you meet your key business goals.