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VelocityEHS Health & Safety Conference

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VelocityEHS is bringing together its subject matter experts to deliver our highly-rated conference presentations in a one-day virtual event. We’re excited to share valuable health, safety and sustainability information on topics such as ergonomics, chemical management, EHS training and more. Bonus – You won’t have to leave the comfort and safety of your home to learn how to do EHS right!

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10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Eastern

GHS/HazCom: The Game – Can You Pass the Compliance Test in 2021? 
Presenters: Greg Duncan, EHS & Sustainability Manager, VelocityEHS
Phil Molé, EHS & Sustainability Manager, VelocityEHS

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Test your HazCom compliance knowledge in our interactive session, updated for 2021. Participate in exercises that will enhance your understanding of the real-world importance of HazCom, which remains OSHA’s 2nd most cited standard and which is targeted for additional GHS updates. Learn how to effectively comply with current requirements and prepare for future changes, and get best practice takeaways that can be implemented in your workplace. Don’t miss this unique learning experience!

11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Eastern

Cost Justifying Ergonomics: Methods and Tips for Calculating ROI
Presenter: Rick Barker, Principal Solutions Strategist, VelocityEHS
Jennie Dustin, Director of Ergonomics Consulting, VelocityEHS

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Business stakeholders make decisions based on beliefs that are supported with facts. They invest in initiatives if a quantifiable return on investment and value are demonstrated. During the 2018 Institution of Occupational Safety and Health Conference (IOSH), Craig Foyle, the outgoing president of the world’s largest and leading workplace health and safety body, told delegates that the key challenge for safety and health professionals was to learn how to speak the language of business stakeholders; this language demonstrates the significant return on investment of good safety, health and well-being management.

Calculating the return on investment requires a credible cost-benefit analysis; it’s the ultimate deciding factor in whether an ergonomics project gets funded. This session will review five types of information you’ll need to justify ergonomics improvements and how to calculate savings based on traditional injury prevention, productivity enhancement, defect reduction, employee retention, and established limits on demands. The strengths and weaknesses associated with each type of savings data will be discussed. Tips on gathering and using each of these data types will also be shared. In addition to the traditional approaches, the presenters will introduce the use of a cost-justification estimator as an efficient and effective means for projecting financial benefit. They will demonstrate the application of an estimator tool with real examples and explain the research data and rationale underlying the values provided by the tool.

12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Eastern

The Future of EHS Training Program Management
Presenter: Greg Duncan, EHS & Sustainability Expert, VelocityEHS

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Workplace EHS training is arguably the most important step we can take toward preventing work-related injuries, illnesses and other negative safety outcomes. Simultaneously, EHS training is also essential to compliance with a broad range of health and safety standards. That’s why one of the fundamental roles of EHS professionals is to make sure that workers have the training they need, when they need it, so that they can work safely. That means having a formal, well-developed EHS training program.

Developing, implementing and maintaining a high-performance workplace EHS training program presents complex challenges. Recently, those challenges have been amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic, which is forcing many EHS professionals to not only reassess what training they must provide to their workers, but re-think how they will deliver workplace EHS training when physical distancing has become the “new normal.”

Whether it’s establishing training requirements, identifying workers’ training needs, developing the right training mix, scheduling and coordinating training sessions, tracking completion and evaluating program performance, training programs have a lot of moving parts.

Whether you’re new to training management or a seasoned EHS professional, this session will show you how to manage a highly effective workplace health and safety training program, and introduce key tools, strategies and concepts that will help you overcome training program management challenges.

1:45 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. Eastern

Planning and Deploying a Large Scale Ergonomics Process: Year by Year
Presenter: Christy Lotz, CPE, Director of Ergonomics and Kent Hatcher, CPE, Director of Ergonomics

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Too many large organizations have launched an ergonomics process only to have it “fizzle” when the business climate and direction changes, when key participants roll-over, or when the low-hanging, easy fixes have been completed. Failure to initiate and maintain an effective process can result in loss of credibility and trust by employees and management, wasted resources, and poor results.

The key to long-term success in ergonomics is to build a strong foundation with solid planning. This session will review the critical elements of establishing, deploying, and–most importantly–sustaining a large-scale workplace ergonomics process to identify risk factors and prevent musculoskeletal disorders. Based on real-world experience, proven management practices, and data mined from hundreds of successful programs from around the globe, it will will give participants a roadmap to follow year-by-year.