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NSC Safety & Expo Conference

September 16-18, 2024 | Orlando, Florida

Join us at the world’s largest health and safety conference for environmental professionals. Visit the VelocityEHS booth (#1809) and attend our sessions to learn how you can advance your organization’s health and safety goals. 

See Our New 3D Motion Capture!

Get a glimpse at our brand-new 3D Ergonomics Solution built by Certified Ergonomists and AI Scientists. This complete system for Ergonomics Management is the most comprehensive MSD risk assessment tool on the market- you won’t want to miss it! Join us for one of our two demos of our new technology, on Monday, September 16th at 11:30 a.m. or on Tuesday, September 17th at 10:00 a.m.

Attend our speaking sessions!

Ergonomics Assessments: Truths and Myths

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Date and Time: Monday, September 16, 2024, 10:30 AM – 11:00 AM

Location: Learning Lab

Panelist: Blake McGowan, CPE, Solution Executive, VelocityEHS

Description: There are numerous prevailing myths in the corporate realm regarding ergonomics, from the simplistic notion that “It’s merely a marketing ploy like the term biodegradable” to the more complex belief that “Conducting the most detailed or exhaustive and accurate MSD risk assessment guarantees optimal outcomes.” Dispelling these misconceptions and conveying the reality about ergonomics is crucial for establishing and sustaining a viable ergonomics management system. It’s imperative to underscore how modern technologies, particularly machine learning and AI, can aid companies in safeguarding and retaining their employees. In this session, we will address three prevalent myths and unveil the truths necessary for optimizing your company’s performance and ensuring its future success.



A Holistic Approach to MSD Prevention: Considering the Impacts of DE&I, Non-Physical Factors, and Worker Wellbeing Solutions

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Date and Time: Monday, September 16, 2024, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Location: Room 306 AB

Panelist: Blake McGowan, CPE, Solution Executive, VelocityEHS

Description: Previous work on the risk factors and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders has focused mainly on physical factors, including redesigning of workplaces or work processes and the introduction of novel tools and equipment. However, MSDs are known to be multifactorial in their causes and solutions for reduction and prevention. In this session, National Safety Council researchers and industry experts will discuss the importance of accounting for nonphysical risk factors; the facets of diversity, equity and inclusion; and the practice of valuing worker wellbeing in relation to MSD prevention. We’ll discuss why, looking to the future of research and the future of work, it’ll be increasingly important to take a holistic view of addressing MSD prevention and reduction, as well as empower future workforces to be actively involved in risk mitigation efforts.


What can We Agree on? Psychologically Safe Workplaces

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Date and Time: Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 10:00 – 11:30 AM

Location: Valencia Ballroom

Panelist: Marc Juaire, CPSA, MBA

Description: Coming soon!



2024 Update: Calculating the Costs of Known and Unknown Workplace Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) Risk

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Date and Time: Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM

Location: Room 204 A

Presenter: Blake McGowan, CPE, Solution Executive, VelocityEHS

Description: At the 2023 NSC Safety Congress & Expo, two novel methods for calculating the potential future workplace musculoskeletal disorder costs associated with both known and unknown MSD risks, for office and industrial environments, were presented. The equations were provided, and examples were calculated based on audience input. This was followed by an audience discussion to evaluate the merits of the underlying assumptions, benefits and challenges of both methods. The audience provided constructive feedback to further develop the proposed methods. Join us to hear updates to these two novel methods, based specifically on the 2023 feedback and new peer-reviewed research. Another audience discussion will follow so the merits of the updates, as well as constructive feedback for further development, can be discussed.



Applying Quality Improvement Tools for Problem Solving in Safety

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Date and Time: Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Location: Room 204 A

Presenters: Rick Barker, CPE, CSP, Senior Director Solution Strategy, VelocityEHS

Description: Current safety management systems, such as ISO 45001 and ANSI Z10, are based on well-established quality management systems. Studying quality management can provide useful insights into methods for improving safety programs. Using the tools of quality, and presenting their results, can help safety professionals communicate more effectively within the business. Quality experts have developed and refined problem-solving tools that are useful for EHS practitioners, including the fishbone diagram, the affinity diagram, force field analysis, interrelationship digraph, prioritization matrix, storyboarding and A3 process mapping. In this session, you’ll hear how to use tools for root-cause analysis and problem-solving. You’ll get hands-on experience using the tools and tips for selecting the most useful.