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Verdantix EHS Summit 2024

November 6 & 7, 2024 | Atlanta, Georgia

Visit us and attend our sessions to learn how we can help you advance your company’s health and safety goals.

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VelocityEHS Activities

We are excited to announce we will be participating in the Verdantix Social Bingo and will be marking squares for participating attendees! Visit our experts to learn about our solutions and fill your board for a chance to win!

Speaking Engagements

Ergonomics Truths and Myths

Blake McGowen Author Image

Date and Time: Wednesday, November 6 at 2:35 p.m.

Speaker: Blake McGowan, CPE, Solutions Executive, VelocityEHS

Description: There are numerous prevailing myths regarding ergonomics, including: a) the validity of traditional musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) risk assessment tools; b) the ineffectiveness of technology to improve MSD risk assessment quality and speed; and c) only experts can conduct MSD risk assessments and implement meaningful ergonomics interventions. The truth is, advanced MSD risk assessments combined with technology capabilities do provide better quality assessments, faster. Dispelling these misconceptions and conveying the reality about ergonomics is crucial for establishing and sustaining a viable ergonomics job improvement process. It’s imperative to underscore how modern technologies, particularly machine learning and AI, can aid companies in safeguarding and retaining their employees. In this session, we will address the prevalent myths and unveil the truths necessary for optimizing your company’s performance and ensuring its future success.