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Emissions Monitoring

What is Emissions Monitoring?

Emissions monitoring encompasses a variety of sampling and analysis techniques used to determine the quantity of air pollutants released to the environment from stationary sources including industrial facilities, oil & gas production and processing facilities, electricity generating units and commercial buildings.

Emissions monitoring activities often make use of continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS), continuous opacity monitoring systems (COMS) and continuous parametric monitoring systems (CPMS), as well as manual inspections (e.g. leak detection and repair (LDAR) programs) in order to obtain emissions monitoring data.

Why Perform Emissions Monitoring?

Stationary sources are typically subject to one or more air quality standards, and are required to monitor emissions of a variety of air pollutants to demonstrate compliance with state and federal environmental laws. Emissions monitoring is also required for participation in emissions inventory and trading programs, and many leading companies perform emissions monitoring as part of their voluntary corporate sustainability reporting initiatives

Emissions monitoring is necessary for:

  • Compliance with air quality standards
  • Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) / National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) Reporting
  • Participation in emissions trading programs (RGGI, WCI, ETS, etc.)
  • Benchmarking and evaluating emissions reduction activities
  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability reporting

How VelocityEHS Can Help

The VelocityEHS Air Emissions module, part of the Environmental Compliance solution, provides stationary source owners and operators with sophisticated, yet easy-to-use emissions monitoring and reporting capabilities that simplify the collection, calculation and analysis of even the most complex air emissions monitoring data.

Explore Our Emissions Monitoring Capabilities

Emissions Monitoring is part of our Environmental Compliance solution. To see the full set of features, click here.

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OSIsoft© PI Interface automates data transfer from your CEMS/CPMS/COMS and emission control equipment

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Generate custom PDF data collection forms that let you instantly upload LDAR and other field monitoring data to your emissions database in real-time

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Receive alerts when data falls outside accepted ranges or approaches permit limits

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Easily import historic emissions data from your existing systems to get you up and running faster

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Mobile access allows you to record emissions data anywhere, anytime using your tablet or smartphone

OSIsoft© PI Interface automates data transfer from your CEMS/CPMS/COMS and emission control equipment

Generate custom PDF data collection forms that let you instantly upload LDAR and other field monitoring data to your emissions database in real-time

Receive alerts when data falls outside accepted ranges or approaches permit limits

Easily import historic emissions data from your existing systems to get you up and running faster

Mobile access allows you to record emissions data anywhere, anytime using your tablet or smartphone

VelocityEHS Mobile Devices EHS Global dashboard

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