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NPDES Compliance

What is NPDES Compliance?

The U.S. Clean Water Act (CWA) prohibits anybody from discharging pollutants from a point source into the waters of the United States unless they have an EPA-issued National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. NPDES permits are specific to the facility to which they are issued, and contain limits on what the permit holder’s facility is allowed to discharge, applicable monitoring and reporting requirements, and other provisions to ensure that discharges do not impair water quality or public health.

Why Should I Care about NPDES Permit Compliance?

If your facility releases any type of waste into the waters of the United States, you must obtain and comply with the provisions of an NPDES permit. Some examples of waste discharges to water that require a NPDES permit include:

  • Dredged soil, solid & chemical wastes
  • Incinerator residue, garbage, sewage & sewage sludge
  • Munitions, Biological & radioactive materials
  • Heat
  • Wrecked or discarded equipment
  • Rock & sand
  • Industrial, municipal, & agricultural waste

Failure to obtain a NPDES permit when required, or violation of the conditions of your permit can result in astronomical fines and compulsory compliance actions that average in the hundreds of thousands, and often millions of dollars.

How VelocityEHS Can Help

The VelocityEHS Water Quality, part of the Environmental Compliance solution, gives you the water/wastewater monitoring and reporting capabilities you need to ensure compliance with NPDES permits and a wide variety of other water quality regulations. It’s a centralized, cloud-based system for recording and analyzing sample data from every point of discharge, at every facility across your entire enterprise — performing complex loading calculations in real-time to give you the most accurate, up-to-date monitoring capabilities available.

Explore Our NPDES Compliance Capabilities

NPDES Compliance is part of our Environmental Compliance Solution.
To see the full set of features, click here.

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OSIsoft© PI Interface automates data transfer from your remote monitoring and control equipment

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Generate custom PDF data collection forms

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Upload discharge monitoring data to your database in real-time

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Mobile access to quickly and easily record discharge data using your tablet or smartphone

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Quickly generate and export DMRs for direct submission to EPA’s NetDMR and NeT interfaces

OSIsoft© PI Interface automates data transfer from your remote monitoring and control equipment

Generate custom PDF data collection forms

Upload discharge monitoring data to your database in real-time

Mobile access to quickly and easily record discharge data using your tablet or smartphone

Quickly generate and export DMRs for direct submission to EPA’s NetDMR and NeT interfaces

VelocityEHS Mobile Devices EHS Global dashboard

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