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Sustainability Reporting

What is Sustainability Reporting?

Sustainability reporting is a popular way for organizations to share information with stakeholders on a range of activities like financial performance, environmental efforts, social impacts, and the empowerment and protection of employees. Sometimes called corporate social responsibility (CSR) or triple bottom line reporting (people, planet, profit), it goes beyond dollars and cents to include discussions about how a company’s vision and values tie into its global sustainability strategy.

Why Do Sustainability Reporting?

Many companies began doing sustainability reporting as a way to combat negative impressions of their businesses in the marketplace. Today, reporting is part of the larger trend toward transparency and is a tool for building trust with employees, vendors, investors and other stakeholders. Recent studies also show that sustainable minded companies consistently outperform their peers. According to Ernst & Young, the benefits of Sustainability Reporting include:

  • Reputation building
  • Employee engagement
  • Improved access to capital
  • Increased efficiency & decreased waste

How VelocityEHS Can Help

The VelocityEHS Platform is designed to help you tell a great sustainability story. Our Performance Metrics helps you track key metrics like energy and water consumption, waste generation, GHG emissions and other statistics. Plus modules for Incident Management, Audits & Inspections, Risk Analysis, Environmental Management, Industrial Ergonomics and Chemical Management modules provide real-time data that helps you see into every area of your business. We obsess on making it easy for your people to put information into the system, so it’s just as easy for you to get information out of the system using the Reports & Dashboard module when you need it.

Explore Our Sustainability Reporting Capabilities

Sustainability Reporting is part of our ESG Solution. To see the full set of features, click here.

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Sustainability metrics tracking

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Environmental management

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Risk identification & abatement

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Employee training & feedback loop

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Reporting & dashboards

Sustainability metrics tracking

Environmental management

Risk identification & abatement

Employee training & feedback loop

Reporting & dashboards

VelocityEHS Mobile Devices EHS Global dashboard

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