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In Part 2 of our series, Kelvin and the team prepare to go live with their first two modules: Incident Management and Audit Management. They are also all set to kick off the implementation process for their second two modules: Management of Change (MOC) and Compliance Management.

Video Transcript

Voiceover: Over the next few months, VelocityEHS will be checking in with CF Industries about organizational changes and their EHS software journey.

In part two of the series, we get an update from Kelvin Roth about what they’ve done so far and what’s next.

Kelvin: Today, we’re meeting to kick off the implementation of the MOC module as well as the Compliance module.

We’re getting ready to go live with the first two modules – so the Incident and Audit modules – and because of that, we did some training on what admins need to do, what are the next steps, so that when we go live, everyone’s ready.

Allison: Where we are now is we’re kind of transitioning from Phase 1 to Phase 2, so the next big milestone is that we’re working on their Compliance module, and then we’ll roll into their MOC module.

So, for Compliance, we are working with our consultant and our developer as well to come up with the solutions that CF would like to see in the application.

Kelvin: I think people were really impressed with the ease of use, and I think it made them feel more comfortable around how much training was needed.

Allison: Thousands of users are going to be using it. They have a group of about 25 to 30 superusers or system admins who are really the champions of the product and are going to be training all of their users on how to use VelocityEHS and what that’s going to look like in the day-to-day part of their work.

Voiceover: What has your team most appreciated about the process so far?

Kelvin: I think just how thorough we are and how we were walking through all the different iterations and ways that the system can be used and who’s going to use it, in what way, how. What do they need to see? What do they need to do? I think people really like the thoroughness of that.

Allison: One thing I like about CF is that they know what they want, and they’re really good at making decisions, and they’re very clear about what they want. The other thing is that they focus on what’s really important in the application. It’s very clear to us what their highest priority is, and we know what we need to focus on and what’s important to them.

Voiceover: How do you manage your enthusiasm for the finish line through the process?

Kelvin: I’m pacing myself right now. A lot of coffee. I mean, we’ve broken it up intentionally into smaller bits so that we can have some quick wins, we get some stuff in place.

Allison: We definitely talked about what their priorities would be, and that’s why we decided in Phase 1 to start with the Audit module and the Incident module because we knew that those were their highest priority, and getting those rolled out would get people excited and using the application a lot.

And then, looking for Phase 2, we knew that was going to be both Compliance and MOC. Compliance – Kelvin felt like that would be one of those small wins because there isn’t as much configuration that we need to do.

The application the way it is pretty close to what’s going to meet their expectations, so we decided to prioritize that piece of the project, get that rolling, so that people feel like there’s constantly progress being made.

Every time we’ve been on-site with them, working with them in person, they’ve been a great group. Very welcoming to us, and Kelvin definitely leads that as their primary stakeholder.

Voiceover: Lastly, what are you most looking forward to in this process?

Kelvin: Being done.

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