Customer Journey: CF Industries – Part 3 of 4
Posted on July 12, 2022 | in EHS
In Part 3 of our series, we check back in with Kelvin Roth, Director of EHS at CF Industries, to find out what VelocityEHS software products they’ve implemented and what’s still in the works.
Video Transcript
Voiceover: In this video series, we’ve been following CF Industries and their EHS software journey with VelocityEHS. In part three, we check back in with Kelvin Roth to find out what they’ve implemented and what’s still in the works.
Kelvin: We went live internally with Audit and Incident in April, so it was about six months ago, seven months ago.
Voiceover: How has the MOC product rollout improved your EHS program since our last visit?
Kelvin: With MOC, the big benefit we see first of all is automation of the process. Right now, for most of our locations it’s a very manual process – they have to take a form to someone else’s office, wait for that person to sign it, move it then manually to another person’s office, so it’s very manual, very slow. It also gives us no transparency into where things sit in the process, so if you don’t know where a specific MOC is, you have to actually visit all the people that might have it to determine status. So, this will give us a much cleaner workflow, much more efficient workflow, better transparency into the process, and hopefully, then, better results.
The ability to have all that information in one spot makes it easier for our EHS professionals to figure out what areas’ things are going well and what areas we need to improve.
We took a very agile approach to implementing this. We didn’t want to design everything then have VelocityEHS disappear for nine months and pop back up and give us a solution that now was nine months out of date. So, we’ve rolled out modules in a very methodical manner and then we go back, and we look at how we can improve them. The idea is a continuous improvement process with the system, both from how we use it and also what we would expect or want out of the system.
You get new snippets rather than just one big thing. It’s like spreading out your birthday across the whole year. “This is amazing! Incident for birthday!”
We’ve since been assigned an account manager and that’s really smoothed out the process, so we now have a consistent workflow. We know who to go to with these improvement requests. We also really love the Voice that got added to the new version where we can enter stuff straight into the system and vote on what others have entered or suggestions that others have entered. And vote a lot, because we’re from Chicago.
So, I think one area we will continue to improve, and push is in the area of data analytics and reporting. There’s a lot of great reports that come out of the box in VelocityEHS but there’s also a lot of reports that we want to develop, and we want to look at things in a different way, and this provides us with the ability to do it. You know, we look at some of the new components of VelocityEHS like Humantech (now VelocityEHS Ergonomics) and their augmented reality video thing, which is super cool.
In talking with our Human Resources, apparently one of our top medical claims is on back injuries not related to work, so I think there’s a real opportunity for us to tie that together and actually get overall wellness improvement.
Voiceover: How will you continue to improve your EHS program using the VelocityEHS application?
Kelvin: On our side it will be: how do we continue to improve the information going into the system, the information we’re getting out of the system, and then continue to streamline our work processes around that.
Voiceover: For more information about our solutions, visit today.