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Video Transcript

ESG is not new, but its time has arrived, and it cannot be ignored.

Whether you’ve been in the ESG trenches for years or just getting started, your success will be measured by your achievement against ESG-based objectives and outcomes.

The world is watching. Your investors, your employees, your children, and even the SEC and other Regulatory Agencies.

The focus on ESG confirms what health safety and sustainability leaders have known all along: the three P’s (People, Planet, and Profit) are inseparable.

Now is the time to be bold, lean in, and act.

The path to ESG prominence starts with EHS.

80% of ESG reporting tracks back to EHS programs, and EHS reporting includes the biggest, most difficult, and time-consuming data to collect and interpret.

Enter VelocityEHS, your partner in collecting and tracking air, water, and waste data, and Scope one, two, and three GHGs.

This includes automating the collection and aggregation of your utility data worldwide and then reporting on it using the most stringent and respected frameworks like SASB, GRI, and CDP.

With ESG litigation on the rise, organizations must avoid over-promising and under-delivering and ensure that every report is verified and supported with evidence.

When it comes to Environmental Compliance, GHG energy, and materiality reporting, results matter.

That’s why one-third of the global Fortune 1000 and thousands more turn to VelocityEHS.

The VelocityEHS Accelerate platform delivers Global strength ESG support and drives a continual Improvement cycle of prediction, intervention, and outcomes called ActiveEHS. It’s an AI and machine learning-backed platform crafted by the indisputable experts on EHS and ESG.

ESG is here to stay. The time is now to gain visibility, align stakeholders, claw back bandwidth, hit reduction targets, and own ESG.

With VelocityEHS, you will.